BitBoy: A Short Story
What you should know about BitBoy, the self-proclaimed Crypto Samaritan. About plagiarism, pump-and-dumps & paid shills.
If you have been in this space for a while his name will ring some bells: BitBoy. If you don’t know him, well. Don’t let his nickname fool you, Ben Armstrong (a.k.a. BitBoy) was born on October 27 1982, has a wife and three kids. He managed to turn his life around, somehow, after being a meth-addict for several years and became one of the most well-known ‘Crypto Influencers’.
As such, he has earned a very bad reputation. One might say he would sell even his own grandmother for a profit. His activities include manipulating his Youtube & Twitter audience, plagiarism, promoting scams. There are many, many people out there that got damaged.
In this little article I want to remind you of what he has done in the past. We shouldn’t allow him to use the current events surrounding FTX/SBF in order to promote himself. Part of the materials mentioned in this article are via @ZachXBT.
Manipulation: From Bullish To Bearish in Days
One of the biggest sources of income for these people are clearly affiliate programs of crypto exchanges that also offer margin trading. If you recruit traders via referral link, you get a part of their trading fees. It's a lucrative business, especially if you want to systematically get people to start trading.
Influencers like BitBoy who make millions of dollars with this specialize in claiming one thing one day, something else the next. Today he's super bullish, tomorrow super bearish. But always he is 100% sure!
20 January 2022:
24 January 2022:
Paid Shills: Promoting Scams & Get Paid
Besides making money through affiliate marketing, the next big pillar of Bitboy’s income were paid advertisements back in the days.
Nothing wrong with that in general, but it is getting a little bit suspiscious if everything you promoted turned out to be a scam; which also got promoted by other shady figures that he interacted with in the past.
And also it is something else when you are not disclosing properly that you got paid for a video, a project review, or what ever. It pays well:
This way he promoted proven scams like MYX, DISTX, PAMP, CPH and many more. His videos were always posted close to the exact tops of those shitcoins.
Even if there are some non-scammy, almost legit projects, he was talking about.. his ‘Moonshot Calls’ didn’t work out that well:
So we have a 40 year old meth-addict turned Crypto Influencer named ‘BitBoy’ who provides for his family by manipulating his sheep-audience, promoted scams undisclosed, can not trade thus needs referral money,.. what is missing? Right, plagiarism!
BitBoy: Several Cases of Plagiarism
When it comes to intellectual property, Bitboy is not that interested in it. Why should he be, he doesn't have any. It has happened several times now that he has simply helped himself to others and only had bad excuses left when he was caught.
Case 1:

Case 2:

From all things, this is surprising me the least, but gives a bit more insight into his mind.
Bitboy is one of the worst influencers in this space. Not a word out of his mouth should be trusted, his reputation is worthless, all he can do is manipulation and grifting. And if you say that clearly, he wants to sue you because you hurt his feelings.
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